
The Dengying Formation (Late Sinian age) gas system encompasses the Weiyuan gas field and other gas-producing structures. The natural gas included in this system is both sourced and reservoired in rocks of the Dengying Formation of Late Sinian age. The source rocks, dominated by micrite and dolomite, are sapropelic and have evolved in most regions to the overmature, dry gas stage. The peak of the natural gas generation occurred at the end of the Jurassic. The Sinian age reservoir rocks are formed of cavern-porous, fractured porosity, with both the primary and secondary porosities controlled by lithofacies distribution, unconformity surface development, and fracturing. The seal is provided by lower Cambrian shale. The Leshan-Longnusi Caledonian paleohigh, located near and partly within the hydrocarbon-generating center, marks this paleo-uplift as a most opportune site for the future discovery of commercial Sinian natural gas reserves.

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