
The indigenous feminine roles were hidden from the trappings of the early Spanish chroniclers in the 16th century since their worldviews and background prompted them to write in favor of the Spanish aims of colonization and evangelization. In the process, they despised the importance of women’s status which the author described as demonization. To bring back indigenous women’s honor and dignity, the method of reconstruction is employed to retrieve their narratives that showcase their value be it in the rituals of the maganito, leadership and social functions in the community, and their place in the family and clan. It is in this practice of restoration that the author come up with his notion of sanctification which is considered holy when their integrity is respected and acknowledged. The study employs demythologization technique which emanates from the dialectical enlightenment designed by the critical theory pioneered by Adorno and Horkheimer. The research is limited to the indigenous feminine roles in the 16th-century Philippines. This is qualitative research that analyzes primary sources be it written, visual or artifact materials. The findings of the study shall enrich United Nation Sustainable Development Goal 5 that tackles gender equality and empowerment since any attempts to promote holistic growth should anchor to the respect of human dignity and take into account various dimensions including the stories of the marginalized.

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