
At the present stage of Russian society development, scientific understanding of the new demographic realities, their comprehensive analysis in order to stabilize the reproductive processes in the regions and to develop a socially sound concept of regional socio-economic development are necessary. Population is an essential prerequisite for the existence of social production and the development of its social forms. The obvious need to take into account the demographic factor in the development of education, health care, services, housing construction, solving employment problems. Depopulation is a fait accompli in the most Russian regions' demographic history. Depopulation processes allow us to talk about the crisis form of regional demographic development. The relevance of the study makes it necessary to focus society's attention on the negative socio-economic consequences of the current demographic situation in Russia and possible ways to overcome them. The purpose of this study is to determine an objective assessment of the negative processes taking place in the sphere of demographic situation in the Volga economic region. The work carried out a statistical and economic study of some trends in demographic development, which provides an opportunity to carry out preliminary demographic and social examination of management decisions taken, to develop the basis of a strategy for balanced regional economic and demographic development. The work used data of the Russian Federation State Statistics Committee, the Samara Regional State Statistics Committee.

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