
Hippocampal neurons in primates have been extensively studied with electrophysiological and neuroanatomical methods. Much less effort has been devoted to examining these cells with contemporary pharmacological techniques. Therefore, we modified a recently developed integrative technique (N. Ludvig, P.E. Potter, S.E. Fox, Simultaneous single-cell recording and microdialysis within the same brain site in freely behaving rats: a novel neurobiological method, J. Neurosci. Methods 55 (1994) 31–40 [9]) for cellular neuropharmacological studies in behaving monkeys. A driveable microelectrode–microdialysis probe guide assembly was implanted stereotaxically into the left hippocampus of squirrel monkeys ( Saimiri sciureus) under isoflurane anesthesia. The assembly was covered with a protective cap. After 3 weeks of postsurgical recovery and behavioral training, the experimental subject was seated in a primate chair. For 4–5 h, single-cell recording and microdialysis were simultaneously performed in the hippocampal implantation site. The technique allowed the recording of both complex-spike cells and fast-firing neurons without the use of head restraint. The control microdialysis solution, artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF), was replaced with either 1 M ethanol or 500 μM N-methyl- d-aspartate (NMDA) for 10–30 min intervals. The ethanol perfusions principally suppressed the firing of the neurons in the dialysis area. The NMDA perfusions initially increased the firing of local neurons, then caused electrical silence. These drug delivery/cell recording sessions were performed with 1–4 day intersession intervals over a 1-month period. The described method provides a tool to elaborate the pharmacology of primate hippocampal neurons during behavior and without the confounding effects of systemic drug administrations. Themes: Neural basis of behavior Topic: Learning and memory: pharmacology

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