
Gamma rays are an inextricable part of a nuclear reactor’s radiation field, and as such require characterization for dose rate estimations required for the radiation protection of personnel, material choices, and the design of nuclear facilities. Most commonplace radiation transport codes used for shielding calculations only included the prompt neutron induced component of the emitted gamma rays. The relative amount of gamma rays that are emitted from delayed processes – the delayed gamma fraction – amount to a significant contribution, e.g. in a typical zero power reactor at steady state is estimated to be roughly a third. Accurate predictions of gamma fields thus require an estimation of the delayed content in order to meaningfully contribute. As a consequence, recent code developments also include delayed gamma sources and require validation data. The CROCUS zero power research reactor at EPFL is part of the NEA IRPhE and has therefore been characterized for benchmark quality experiments. In order to provide the means for delayed gamma validation, a dedicated experimental campaign was conducted in the CROCUS reactor using its newly developed gamma detection capabilities based on scintillators. In this paper we present the experimental determination of the delayed gamma fraction in CROCUS using in-core neutron and gamma detectors in a benchmark reactor configuration. A consistent and flexibly applicable methodology on how to estimate the delayed gamma fraction in zero power reactors has hitherto not existed – we herein present a general experimental setup and analysis technique that can be applied to other facilities. We found that the build-up time of relevant short lived delayed gamma emitters is likely attributed to the activation of the aluminium cladding of the fuel. Using a CeBr3scintillator in the control rod position of the CROCUS core, we determined a delayed gamma fraction of (30.6±0.6)%.


  • In nuclear reactor design and radiation protection, one typically relies on power normalization [1] and a validated code to predict the radiation field

  • The CROCUS zero power reactor at EPFL in Switzerland offers a flexible environment to conduct gamma field measurements, using the newly developed LEAF system based on scintillators [16]

  • The CROCUS zero power reactor allows for a flexible environment to measure this quantity using its neutron and gamma detection capabilities

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In nuclear reactor design and radiation protection, one typically relies on power normalization [1] and a validated code to predict the radiation field. Common codes for reactor neutronics typically do not include photon transport, or include it only for prompt processes. Monte Carlo codes such as Serpent 2 [5] have been improved to include coupled neutron-photon transport modes [6] that allow for mixed neutron gamma field calculations, Recent experiments to determine the delayed gamma fraction to date include flux measurements in research reactors [13,14,15] using ionization chambers. The CROCUS zero power reactor at EPFL in Switzerland offers a flexible environment to conduct gamma field measurements, using the newly developed LEAF system based on scintillators [16]. In this paper we present the delayed gamma fraction determination in CROCUS, highlighting the theoretical basis, experimental setup, our flexible analysis methodology, and discuss the results

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