
Infection of plants or protoplasts with turnip crinkle virus (TCV), a monopartite RNA virus, results in the synthesis of the genomic RNA and two subgenomic (sg) RNAs. The transcription start site for the 1.45-kb sgRNA was previously mapped to position 2606 (J. C. Carrington, T. J. Morris, P. G. Stockley, and S. C. Harrison, (1987).J. Mol. Biol.194, 265–276) corresponding to position 2607 in the TCVms isolate and the start site for the 1.7-kb sgRNA has now been mapped to position 2333 in TCVms. A 96-base sequence (90 bases upstream and 6 bases downstream) encompassing the transcription start site for the 1.45-kb sgRNA was sufficient for full promoter activity. Similarly, a 94-base sequence (90 bases upstream and 4 bases downstream) encompassing the start site was required for full activity of the 1.7-kb sgRNA promoter. The 1.45-kb sgRNA promoter, but not the 1.7-kb sgRNA promoter, was able to direct synthesis of a nontemplate RNAin vitrousing partially purified TCV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Computer generated secondary structures for the two sgRNA promoters revealed an extensive hairpin just upstream from the transcription start site. Comparisons of corresponding sequences from related viruses indicates higher sequence conservation for the 1.45-kb sgRNA promoter compared with the 1.7-kb sgRNA promoter, despite the latter's location within the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase open reading frame.

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