
As an emerging service architecture, microservice enables decomposition of a monolithic web service into a set of independent lightweight services which can be executed independently. With mobile edge computing, microservices can be further deployed in edge clouds dynamically, launched quickly, and migrated across edge clouds easily, providing better services for users in proximity. However, the user mobility can result in frequent switch of nearby edge clouds, which increases the service delay when users move away from their serving edge clouds. To address this issue, this article investigates microservice coordination among edge clouds to enable seamless and real-time responses to service requests from mobile users. The objective of this work is to devise the optimal microservice coordination scheme which can reduce the overall service delay with low costs. To this end, we first propose a dynamic programming-based offline microservice coordination algorithm, that can achieve the globally optimal performance. However, the offline algorithm heavily relies on the availability of the prior information such as computation request arrivals, time-varying channel conditions and edge cloud's computation capabilities required, which is hard to be obtained. Therefore, we reformulate the microservice coordination problem using Markov decision process framework and then propose a reinforcement learning-based online microservice coordination algorithm to learn the optimal strategy. Theoretical analysis proves that the offline algorithm can find the optimal solution while the online algorithm can achieve near-optimal performance. Furthermore, based on two real-world datasets, i.e., the Telecom's base station dataset and Taxi Track dataset from Shanghai, experiments are conducted. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed online algorithm outperforms existing algorithms in terms of service delay and migration costs, and the achieved performance is close to the optimal performance obtained by the offline algorithm.

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