
A great deal of academic research focuses on how bond issuance impacts the firm. Most recent research focuses on investment grade bonds and ignores noninvestment grade bonds. This article investigates the long-run stock underperformance of high-yield bond Initial Bond Offerings (IBOs) in the 3–5-year post-issuing period compared to firms that do not issue stock and/or bonds over the same 5-year post period. A second dataset featuring investment grade bond issuing firms is also compared to firms that do not issue stocks and/or bonds over the same 5-year post period. It is determined that stock underperformance does exist following bond IBOs using both the buy-and-hold return and Fama–French Four-Factor models. The level of underperformance is found to be greatest for callable bonds issuers followed by straight bonds and convertible bond issuers. Additionally, it is learned that high-yield bond issuing firms experience a greater level of underperformance than their investment-grade counterparts. This line o...

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