
Fareed Zakaria observes that an increasing number of democratically elected govern ments are abusing their powers and re pressing civil rights (The Rise of Illiberal Democracy, November/December 1997). He contends that instead of pro moting elections, U.S. policy should concentrate on consolidating existing democracies that respect civil liberties, the rule of law, and a separation of pow ers between government institutions. Proclaiming constitutional liberalism to be a necessary precondition for liberal democracy, Zakaria asserts that with out it, elections will inevitably lead to what he calls democracy, bringing extreme nationalism, ethnic conflict, and war. He proposes that in stead of coddling illiberal democrats, the United States should endorse liberal autocracies in less developed nations? governments that, though not demo cratically elected, respect individual rights. There are three flaws in Zakaria's ar

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