
Computer vision technologies have been widely implemented in the defect detection. However, most of the existing detection methods generally require images with high quality, and they can only process code characters on simple backgrounds with high contrast. In this paper, a defect detection approach based on deep learning has been proposed to efficiently perform defect detection of code characters on complex backgrounds with a high accuracy. Specifically, image processing algorithms and data enhancement techniques were utilized to generate a large number of defect samples to construct a large data set featuring a balanced positive and negative sample ratio. The object detection network called BBE was build based on the core module of EfficientNet. Experimental results show that the mAP of the model and the accuracy reach 0.9961 and 0.9985, respectively. Individual character detection results were screened by setting relevant quality inspection standards to evaluate the overall quality of the code characters, the results of which have verified the effectiveness of the proposed method for industrial production. Its accuracy and speed are high with high robustness and transferability to other similar defect detection tasks. To the best of our knowledge, this report describes the first time that the BBE has been applied to defect inspections for real plastic container industry.

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