
Pests and diseases are an inevitable problem in agricultural production, causing substantial economic losses yearly. The application of convolutional neural networks to the intelligent recognition of crop pest images has become increasingly popular due to advances in deep learning methods and the rise of large-scale datasets. However, the diversity and complexity of pest samples, the size of sample images, and the number of examples all directly affect the performance of convolutional neural networks. Therefore, we designed a new target-detection framework based on Cascade RCNN (Regions with CNN features), aiming to solve the problems of large image size, many pest types, and small and unbalanced numbers of samples in pest sample datasets. Specifically, this study performed data enhancement on the original samples to solve the problem of a small and unbalanced number of examples in the dataset and developed a sliding window cropping method, which could increase the perceptual field to learn sample features more accurately and in more detail without changing the original image size. Secondly, combining the attention mechanism with the FPN (Feature Pyramid Networks) layer enabled the model to learn sample features that were more important for the current task from both channel and space aspects. Compared with the current popular target-detection frameworks, the average precision value of our model (mAP@0.5) was 84.16%, the value of (mAP@0.5:0.95) was 65.23%, the precision was 67.79%, and the F1 score was 82.34%. The experiments showed that our model solved the problem of convolutional neural networks being challenging to use because of the wide variety of pest types, the large size of sample images, and the difficulty of identifying tiny pests.

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