
With new architectures providing astonishing performance on many vision tasks, the interest in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) has grown exponentially in the recent past. Such architectures, however, are not problem-free. For instance, one of the many issues is that they require a huge amount of labeled data and are not able to encode pose and deformation information. Capsule Networks (CapsNets) have been recently proposed as a solution to the issues related to CNNs. CapsNet achieved interesting results in images recognition by addressing pose and deformation encoding challenges. Despite their success, CapsNets are still an under-investigated architecture with respect to the more classical CNNs. Following the ideas of CapsNet, we propose to introduce Residual Capsule Network (ResNetCaps) and Dense Capsule Network (DenseNetCaps) to tackle the image recognition problem. With these two architectures, we expand the encoding phase of CapsNet by adding residual convolutional and densely connected convolutional blocks. In addition to this, we investigate the application of feature interaction methods between capsules to promote their cooperation while dealing with complex data. Experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach performs better than existing solutions.

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