
A low-dose combination of Complamin® retard (1 g t.i.d.) and cholestyramine (4 g b.i.d.) was compared with each agent alone in 2 serial open trials without dietary restriction using type IIa and IIb hyperlipoproteinaemic patients. Complamin alone produced decreases in LDL and VLDL cholesterol concentrations (up to 20%) whereas cholestyramine alone produced only a modest reduction in LDL (up to 15%). The combination produced marked, progressive reductions in total cholesterol (up to 35%) and LDL (up to 40%); reductions in VLDL (up to 45%), total triglyceride (up to 60%) and free fatty acids (up to 60%) were found only type IIb patients. The average increase in HDL-cholesterol from the 2 studies for combination therapy was 35%. No side-effects were reported or measured and compliance was excellent. The results demonstrate the potential of a method of achieving beneficial actions on lipoprotein levels with a well-tolerated therapy.

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