
http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-8026.2017v70n1p39Embora o termo Latin@ não possa ser rastreado por qualquer referente coerente em termos de origem geográfica ou epistêmica (Rodríguez, 2014), ainda denota um referente muito estável quando se trata de destino geográfico - sendo os EUA o destino migratório central, modelado por e modelando deslocamentos identitários e posições epistêmicas diversas associadas à América Latina. Por mais que esta determinidade narrativa seja o efeito das assimetrias de poder globais, ela tende também a naturalizá-las por meio da migração em termos evolucionistas que anacronizam as lutas contra o deslocamento, a desterritorialização e o desapossamento. O campo da literatura latin@ e da crítica torna-se, portanto, um lugar efetivo a partir do qual os conflitos históricos em curso elididos por essas narrativas podem ser criativamente lembrados e reconfigurados. Este artigo reflete sobre as fronteiras temporais como um paradigma crítico para reconfigurar narrativas de temporalidade direta na escrita Latin@.


  • Straight Temporality as AnachronismI highlight the epigraphs above because together they help to conceptualize the neologism Latin@ in ways that may counter the normative reduction of U.S history to “a succession of lows of immigrants who, ater being discriminated against, achieve the American dream” (Laó-Montes 131)

  • 40 Eliana de Souza Ávila, Decolonizing Queer Time: A Critique of Anachronism in Latin@ Writings the speciic contexts experienced by those whose lives increasingly clash with such linear expectations.2 hese narratives oten become reduced to oversimpliied dynamics that re-inscribe dominant nationalist myths of the United States as a land of freedom and democracy and erase the struggle, sufering, and resistance experienced by subordinated groups... [Migrants’] subjectivities and histories become represented within colonialist, racist understandings of culture and identity. (Luibhéid xxv)

  • Latin@ philosopher María Lugones has argued consistently that any project of decolonization requires decolonizing the racialized ways in which gender and sexuality constitute the central dichotomy between human and non-human (“Toward” 742) within the colonial/modern system within which, from the colonial period on, “the global population was diferentiated into inferior and superior, irrational and rational, primitive and civilized, traditional and modern” (“Coloniality” 2). hat these abject/normal dichotomies rely on a temporal boundary, or borderline, allows the racializing and gender formations they perpetuate to remain invisible under the anachronism that naturalizes them

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Straight Temporality as AnachronismI highlight the epigraphs above because together they help to conceptualize the neologism Latin@ in ways that may counter the normative reduction of U.S history to “a succession of lows of immigrants who, ater being discriminated against, achieve the American dream” (Laó-Montes 131).

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