
The process of decolonization in online learning is a complex and multifaceted endeavor that involves recognizing, disrupting, and embracing alternatives to the constraints imposed by colonialist perspectives. European colonization was not only about the seizure of land and resources but also encompassed a systematic dismantling of indigenous cultures, including their education systems. Decolonization of online learning involves recognizing the constraints imposed by the colonizer, disrupting these constraints, and embracing alternatives. This article examines colonization in online learning environments and provides suggestions for disrupting colonial influences. This includes decentering the Western, Eurocentric voice, incorporating diverse indigenous perspectives, and providing options and alternatives to minimize the privileging of English and Western knowledge. Embracing alternatives also involves utilizing technology to minimize linguistic barriers and provide educational opportunities that carry global currency while also valuing and incorporating local knowledge and curriculum. Decolonizing online learning is essential for creating a more inclusive and equitable educational environment.

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