
This paper presents a multi-criteria decision model based upon user judgmentsto assist the evaluation process of an Information and Communication Technology(ICT) network system in health care to improve the quality of service (QoS).Measuring quality in health care services is not an easy task, as there are many competinggoals involved, human, economic, communications technology, governmentaland others. Integrating multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) methodology withmodeling and simulation through Optimization Network Engineering Tool (OPNET)platform permit to characterize main ICT user and identify priority applications toexamine network QoS requirements and implications. The proposed approach permittedto identify the main users, to elaborate a profile and characterization of theICT support requirements according to their main daily task in answer to a servicerequirement. The results generate evidence related to the important factors effectingquality in hospital requirement as availability of services and the need for ubiquitousaccess to integrated information. The stakeholder interface perception and resourcesfor ICT network support are investigated through a case study for Chilean hospitals.

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