
Research activities aiming to investigate the genetic diversity are very crucial because they provide information for the breeding and germplasm conservation activities. Wheat is one of the most important cereal crops globally by feeding more than a third of the human population around the world. During present investigation, a total of 74 Turkish bread wheat accessions (54 landraces and 20 cultivars) were used as plant material and iPBS-retrotransposons marker system was used for the molecular characterization. 13 polymorphic primers used for molecular characterization resulted a total of 152 bands. Range of calculated diversity indices like polymorphism information content (0.11-0.702), effective numbers of alleles (1.026-1.526), Shannon's information index (0.101-0.247) and gene diversity (0.098-0.443) confirmed higher genetic variations in studied germplasm. Bread wheat landraces reflected higher genetic variations compared to commercial cultivars. Analysis of molecular variance resulted that higher (98%) genetic variations are present within populations. The model-based structure algorithm separated 74 bread wheat accessions in to two populations. Diversity indices based on structure evaluated population's revealed population B as a more diverse population. The principal coordinate analysis and neighbor-joining analysis separated 74 bread wheat accessions according to their collection points. Genetic distance for 74 Turkish bread wheat accessions explored Bingol and Asure accessions as genetically diverse that can be used as parents for breeding activities. The extensive diversity of bread wheat in Turkish germplasm might be used as genetic resource for the exhaustive wheat breeding program. For instance, accessions Bingol and Asure were found genetically diverse and can be used as parents for future breeding activities.

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