
The ultimate goal of neuroscience is to explain how complex behaviour arises from neuronal activity. A comparable level of complexity also emerges in deep neural networks (DNNs) while exhibiting human-level performance in demanding visual tasks. Unlike in biological systems, all parameters and operations of DNNs are accessible. Therefore, in theory, it should be possible to decipher the exact mechanisms learnt by these artificial networks. Here, we investigate the concept of contrast invariance within the framework of DNNs. We start by discussing how a network can achieve robustness to changes in local and global image contrast. We used a technique from neuroscience—“kernel lesion”—to measure the degree of performance degradation when individual kernels are eliminated from a network. We further compared contrast normalisation, a mechanism used in biological systems, to the strategies that DNNs learn to cope with changes of contrast. The results of our analysis suggest that (i) contrast is a low-level feature for these networks, and it is encoded in the shallow layers; (ii) a handful of kernels appear to have a greater impact on this feature, and their removal causes a substantially larger accuracy loss for low-contrast images; (iii) edges are a distinct visual feature within the internal representation of object classification DNNs.

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