
The feeding motivation of the common European common toad (Bufo bufo) can be quantified by the feeding sequence of arousal-orientation-approach-fixate-snap. Previous work has found that the optic tectum is an important structure responsible for the mediation of feeding behaviors, and combined electrical and visual stimulation of the optic tectum was found to increase the animals feeding behaviors. However, the pretectal thalamus has an inhibitory influence upon the optic tectum and its lesion results in disinhibited feeding behaviors. This suggests that feeding behavior of anurans is also subject to influence from the pretectal thalamus. Previous studies involving the application of DC stimulation to brain tissue has generated slow potential shifts and these shifts have been implicated in the modulation of the neural mechanisms associated with behavior. The current study investigated the application of DC stimulation to the diencephalon surface dorsal to the lateral posterodorsal pretectal thalamic nucleus in Bufo bufo, in order to assess effects on feeding motivation. The application of DC stimulation increased the incidence of avoidance behaviors to a visual prey stimulus while reducing the prey catching behavior component of approach, suggesting that the DC current applied to the pretectum increased the inhibition upon the feeding elements of the optic tectum. This can be explained by the generation of slow potential shifts.

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