
Background: Freezing of embryos and gametes is considered one of the corner stones ofART. Its application increases both IVF safety and efficiency.Aim and objectives: the aim of the present study is to compare cleaved embryo andblastocyst freezing to determine the optimal time for embryo cryopreservation,Subjects and methods: A randomized clinical trial, it was involved 300 cases of infertilepatients who will undergo ICSI cycles and embryo freezing at the assisted reproductionunit, Qena University hospital, South Valley University, Egypt after complete infertilityevaluation. Population was divided into two groups: Group 1 (n =150), underwent embryofreezing at day 3 then will undergo FET (Cleaved embryo). Group 2 (n =150), willunderwent embryo freezing at day 5 then will undergo FET (Blastocyst) The duration ofthe study had been from 6 to 12 months,Results: the results revealed that there is high significant difference between the studiedgroups as regard Total number of survival more survival was observed in blastocystgroup, while there is no significant difference between the studied groups as regardcompleted transfer.Conclusion: The maintenance of embryo culture until day 5 may be a more sensibleapproach for the correct identification of best quality embryos with the highest probabilityof success for both transfer and freezing.

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