
Just like in other European countries the programme “Flipper” broadcasted on national television and the popularity of dolphins were the immediate cause to start with dolphinariums on different locations in Belgium. The plans to start with a dolphinarium were taken by different initiators, private individuals, a zoo or a recreation park. Antwerp zoo shows more than 30 year's dolphins to the visitors but not all the initiatives were so successful or even realized. At present only one dolphinarium exist in Belgium, “Boudewijn Seapark” in Bruges. Especially in the sixties and seventies of last century dolphins were very popular. Besides the permanent dolpinariums also fairground attractions showed dolphins to a curious public for example in Courtray, Antwerp and Liege. In Belgium Paul Heeren, owner of a small recreation park in the rural town Wellen, realized after a very short period of preparation the first dolphinarium. This happened only a few months before Antwerp opened theirs. Because of this people often think the zoological garden of Antwerp owned the first dolphinarium in Belgium. The small dolphinarium existed only for a short time and the animals moved to a recreation park in France afterwards. Because of the short time the dolphinarium was open to the public, the minimum of promotion and the interest from the press and visitors for the better equipped dolphinarium in the Antwerp zoo, the small collection of dolphins in Wellen stayed unknown. 40 years after it's existence it's for a small look back on this initiative.

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