
A field theory is proposed where the regular fermionic matter and the dark fermionic matter are different states of the same "primordial" fermion fields. In regime of the fermion densities typical for normal particle physics, each of the primordial fermions splits into three generations identified with regular fermions. In a simple model, this fermion families birth effect is accompanied with the right lepton numbers conservation laws. It is possible to fit the muon to electron mass ratio without fine tuning of the Yukawa coupling constants. When fermion energy density becomes comparable with dark energy density, the theory allows new type of states - Cosmo-Low Energy Physics (CLEP) states. Neutrinos in CLEP state can be both a good candidate for dark matter and responsible for a new type of dark energy. In the latter case the total energy density of the universe is less than it would be in the universe free of fermionic matter at all. The (quintessence) scalar field is coupled to dark matter but its coupling to regular fermionic matter appears to be extremely suppressed.

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