
D-2 dopamine receptors and serotonin receptors in the frontal cortex of rat and human were labelled with 3H-spiroperidol. The D-2 receptors were then distinguished in 4 ways. Dissociation of spiroperidol was biphasic, indicating two populations of sites. Cinanserin in competition with 3H-spiroperidol exhibited high (75%) and low (25%) affinity sites. Dopamine and LY 141865 in competition with 1.25 nM 3H-spiroperidol exhibited high (20–25%) and low (80-75%) affinity sites in the absence of cinanserin, while in the presence of 300 nM cinanserin only the high affinity sites remained. Lesioning of the dopaminergic meso-cortical path-way increased the number of cinanserin-resistant sites by 26%. Thus 3H-spiroperidol binding in the presence of cinanserin can be used to selectively label D-2 receptors in the frontal cortex.

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