
Abstract The chromosomal conventional karyotype and C‐banding karyotype of eight species in the genus Oxya (Catantopidae) are analysed. The result shows that O. chinensis (Thunberg), O. shanghaiensis Willemse and O. adentata Willemse all have similar C‐banding distribution, but the model of chromosomal group, the chiasma localization data and the total heterochromatin content (THC) value are different. O. agavisa Tsai has its own c‐banding feature and is distinguished from other species in the genus. O. bicingula Ma et al. is similar to both the O. chinensis group and O. agavisu in chromosomal marks and morphological characters, indicating that these three species have some relations during the evolutionary process. O. hyla intricata (Stal) is a “sibling species group” as indicated by the variation of the morphological feature and there are also diversiforms in cytotaxonomic marks. It seems that this group has higher differentiational speed and the speciational evolution is more active in modern times. In this group, O. apicocingula sp. nov. and O. flave femura sp. nov. are more specialized than the other populations which have not many terminal C‐bands in genome. As a conclusion, we consider that the evolutionary rate of the species in Oxya genus is unbalanced. This status is due to the actions from both the hereditary basis and the environmental condition of the different species.

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