
The resonance energy transfer from donors embedded in the membrane of erythrocytes to the cytosol hemoglobin has been measured by comparing the donors' fluorescence decay in ghosts and in intact cells. A series of n - (9-anthroyloxy) stearic acids (n-AS) (n = 2, 6, 9, 12) and similar probes were used as donors, and their locations within the outer leaflet of the phospholipid bilayer were determined from their average efficiency of energy transfer, <T>. The energy transfer data for several membrane probes were analyzed according to a simple semiempirical model, in which the heme acceptors are assumed to form a semiinfinite continuum beyond a plane, whose normal distance (d) from particular donors may be determined if the heme density in the cytosol boundary layer is known. The hemoglobin concentration in the erythrocytes was varied by suspending the cells in buffers of different ionic strengths. This made it possible to study the ionic strength dependence of the heme concentration averaged over the cell (h(c)), as well as that in the boundary layer (h(b)). Both level off above approximately 600 mosM, as does the ratio h(b)/h(c). By using the maximum heme concentration that can be obtained in osmotically shrunken cells as a limiting value, h(b) is estimated to be 17 mM or less, under physiological conditions; and from the measured <T> for various probes, the distance d was found to range from 40 A for 2-AS to 31 A for 12-AS and 26 A for 9-vinyl anthracene (9-VA). It is concluded that the hydrophobic probe 9-VA is located near the center of the phospholipid bilayer and that the cytosol hemoglobin is in contact with the inner membrane surface, or nearly so. This conclusion is valid for oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin, and is shown to be independent of several systematic errors that might arise from the simple assumptions of the model used. The steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of the probes was found to decrease as they approach the bilayer's central plane. The methodology developed here may be used to extend studies of cytosol membrane interactions in ghost systems to intact cells, and is useful in the investigation of the morphology of normal and pathological intact erythrocytes.

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