
The incorporation of rye (S. cereale L.) chromatin into winter wheat (T. aestivum L.) cultivars is often achieved via hybridization of unadapted wheat-rye translocation lines with adapted wheat germplasm. Identification of progenies possessing the translocated chromosome has traditionally involved phenotypic screening for the desired rye characteristics. In this study, the Giemsa N-banding technique was evaluated as a potential screening tool for detection of 1B/1R wheat-rye translocations. Five breeding lines were examined from the pedigree Aurora/2*TAM W-101. The differential banding patterns of chromosome 1B contributed by TAM W-101 and chromosome 1B/1R contributed by Aurora allowed unequivocal identification of translocation genotypes. Three of the lines were found to be heterogeneous, whereby plants were homozygous for either the normal 1B or the translocated 1B/1R chromosome. The remaining two lines were observed to be homozygous and homogeneous for the translocated 1B/1R chromosome. The implication of N-banding chromosomal analyses to wheat breeding is presented.

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