
The anther wall, microsporogenesis, pollen development and pollen germination of Oryza sativa cv. 'Rocca' were examined cytologically. The young anther wall consists of an epidermis, a single layered endothecium, a middle layer and a single-layered tapetum. In the secretory tapetum, normal mitosis was observed. Chromosome counts were done on tapetal and microspore mother cells at diakinesis and the results were 2n = 24. Meiosis, in most microspore mother cells was regular. Irregularities were observed in some of the cells, including, univalents, lagging chromosomes, broken down of nucleoli and abnormalities in cytokinesis. The percent of these irregularities varies between anthers. Microspore tetrads were isobilateral. Polarisation was seen within individual microspores and pollen grains. Pollen grains are shed at three-celled stage.

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