
To assess the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the enteritis produced by Cyclospora cayetanensis. A microbiological, epidemiological and clinical protocol in travelers to tropical and temperate areas affected by travelers diarrhea (TD). C. cayetanenesis was isolated from 55 patients. 96% of them suffered TD. Persistent diarrhea (> 2 weeks) was present in 69% and weight loss > or = 3 kg in 38%. In 36% of cases, TD began after returning from the trip. Although C. cayetanensis has a cosmopolitan distribution, it was mostly isolated from travellers to Latin America, the Indian subcontinent and South East Asia. In only five cases a potential risk factor was detected: strawberries (3), buffalo's milk (1) and marinated fish "ceviche" (1). C. cayetanensis is an emerging enteropathogen, isolated in 2-4% of Spanish travellers suffering from TD, and should be considered in the diferential diagnosis of this clinical entity.

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