
First we describe a class of homotopy Frobenius algebras via cyclic operads which we call cyclic $A_\infty$ algebras. We then define a suitable new combinatorial operad which acts on the Hochschild cochains of such an algebra in a manner which encodes the homotopy BV structure. Moreover we show that this operad is equivalent to the cellular chains of a certain topological (quasi)-operad of CW complexes whose constituent spaces form a homotopy associative version of the Cacti operad of Voronov. These cellular chains thus constitute a chain model for the framed little disks operad, proving a cyclic $A_\infty$ version of Deligne's conjecture. This chain model contains the minimal operad of Kontsevich and Soibelman as a suboperad and restriction of the action to this suboperad recovers their results in the unframed case. Additionally this proof recovers the work of Kaufmann in the case of a strict Frobenius algebra. We then extend our results to cyclic $A_\infty$ categories, with an eye toward the homotopy BV structure present on the Hochschild cochains of the Fukaya category of a suitable symplectic manifold.

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