
The paper introduces the concept of a crystalline-like model of a computer communication network (CCN) composed of routers forming a repeating or periodic arrangement. The considered homogenous network assumes the same routers servicing the same number of transmissions form an array. In such a network several isomorphic sub-networks encompassing packet transmission processes serviced by each router, interact each other as to provide a variety of demand-responsive host-server transmission services. In that context, a crystalline-like layout of physically different, however functionally identical, routers provides a homogenous array supporting computer network flows. In turn, packet transmission flows are treated as multimodal processes encompassing arbitrarily given inter-computer communications. Assuming the packets passing their origin-destination routes are synchronized by the same mechanism of packet transmission the problem boils down to a communication processes scheduling. Since concurrent transmission flows are processed along the same presumed routes, hence the schedules sought are cyclic ones. In general case, cycles of multimodal processes depend on CNN's periodicity. That objective to develop conditions allowing one to calculate the cyclic schedule of whole CCN while taking into account only periodicity of its repeating isomorphic structure.

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