
While the potential for intermittent hydrostatic pressure to promote cartilaginous matrix synthesis is well established, its potential to influence chondroinduction remains poorly understood. This study examined the effects of relatively short- and long-duration cyclic hydrostatic compression on the chondroinduction of C3H/10T1/2 murine embryonic fibroblasts by recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2). Cells were seeded at high density into round bottom wells of a 96-well plate and supplemented with 25 ng/ml rhBMP-2. Experimental cultures were subjected to either 1,800 cycles/day or 7,200 cycles/day of 1 Hz sinusoidal hydrostatic compression to 5 MPa (applied 10 min on/10 min off) for 3 days. Non-pressurized control and experimental cultures were maintained in static culture for an additional 5 days. Cultures were then analyzed for alcian blue staining intensity, DNA and sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) content, and for the rate of collagen synthesis. Whereas cultures subjected to 1,800 pressure cycles exhibited no significant differences (statistical or qualitative) compared to controls, those subjected to 7,200 cycles stained more intensely with alcian blue, contained nearly twice as much sGAG, and displayed twice the rate of collagen synthesis as non-pressurized controls. This study demonstrates the potential for cyclic hydrostatic compression to stimulate chondrogenic differentiation of the C3H/10T1/2 cell line in a duration-dependent manner.

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