
I. Limestone-Marl Rhythms and Climate-controlled Facies Changes.- General Remarks About the Nature, Occurrence, and Recognition of Cyclic Sequences (Periodites).- Limestone-Marl Cycles (Periodites): Diagnosis, Significance, Causes - a Review.- Observations on Well-bedded Upper Jurassic Limestones.- Origin of Marl-Limestone Alternation (Oxford 2) in Southwest Germany.- Limestone-Shale Bedding and Perturbations of the Earth's Orbit.- Rhythmic Sedimentation Documented in a Late Cretaceous Core (Abstract).- Ecology and Depositional Environments of Chalk-Marl and Limestone-Shale Rhythms in the Cretaceous of North America (Abstract).- Diagenetic Redistribution of Carbonate, a Process in Forming Limestone-Marl Alternations (Devonian and Carboniferous, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, W. Germany).- A Contribution to the Origin of Limestone-Shale Sequences.- Deep-Sea Stratigraphy: Cenozoic Climate Steps and the Search for Chemo-Climatic Feedback.- IIA. Event Stratification. Calcareous and Quartz-Sandy Tempestites.- General Remarks About Event Deposits.- Experiments on the Distinction of Wave and Current Influenced Accumulations.- Calcareous Tempestites: Storm-dominated Stratification in Upper Muschelkalk Limestones (Middle Trias, SW-Germany).- Allochthonous Coquinas in the Upper Muschelkalk - Caused by Storm Events? (Abstract).- The role of Storm Processes in Generating Beds in Paleozoic Shelf Environments.- Rhythmic Bedding and Bed Formation in the Upper Jurassic of East Greenland.- Beds in the Lower Lias of South Germany - Facies and Origin.- Storm Sedimentation in the Carboniferous Limestones Near Weston-Super-Mare (Dinantian, SW-England).- Event-Stratification in Nummulite Accumulations and in Beds from the Eocene of Egypt.- The Bank der kleinen Terebrateln (Upper Muschelkalk, Triassic) Near Schwabisch Hall (SW-Germany) - a Tempestite Condensation Horizon.- Glauconitic Condensation Through High-Energy Events in the Albian Near Clars (Escragnolles, Var, SE-France).- Muschelkalk/Keuper Bone-Beds (Middle Triassic, SW-Germany) - Storm Condensation in a Regressive Cycle.- Condensed Griotte Facies and Cephalopod Accumulations in the Upper Devonian of the Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco.- Distinctive Features of Sandy Tempestites.- Multidirectional Paleocurrents as Indicators of Shelf Storm Beds.- Scour and Fill: The Significance of Event Separation.- Storm-surge Sandstones and the Deposition of Interbedded Limestone: Late Precambrian, Southern Norway.- Flat Pebble Conglomerates, Storm Deposits, and the Cambrian Bottom Fauna.- IIB. Event Stratification - Other Event Deposits.- Jurassic Bedded Cherts from the North Apennines, Italy: Dyscyclic Sedimentation in the Deep Pelagic Realm.- Quartz-sandy Allodapic Limestones as a Result of Lime Mud-Raising Clastic Turbidites.- Belemnites as Current Indicators in Shallow Marine Turbidites of the Santonian Bavnodde Gronsand, Bornholm (Denmark).- Habits of Zircon as a Tool for Precise Tephrostratigraphic Correlation.- III. Cyclicity and Event Stratification in Black Shales.- Cyclic and Dyscyclic Black Shale Formation.- Cyclicity and the Storage of Organic Matter in Middle Cretaceous Pelagic Sediments.- Types of Stratification in the Kupferschiefer.- Environmental Changes During Oil Shale Deposition as Deduced from Stable Isotope Ratios.- The Community Structure of Shell Islands on Oxygen Depleted Substrates in Mesozoic Dark Shales and Laminated Carbonates (Abstract).- Ammonite Shells as Habitats - Floats or Benthic Islands? (Abstract).- Palynology of Upper Liassic Bituminous Shales (Abstract).- The Bituminous Lower Toarcian at the Truc de Balduc Near Mende (Departement de la Lozere, S-France).- Bedding Types of the Toarcian Black Shales in NW-Greece.- Stratinomy of the Lower Kimmeridge Clay (Dorset, England) (Abstract).- The Formation of the Bituminous Layers of the Middle Triassic of Ticino (Switzerland) (Abstract).- Summary.- Paleogeographic Significance of Tempestites and Periodites.

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