
Using FTIR and Raman spectroscopy, the formation of halogen bonded complexes of the trifluorohalomethanes CF(3)Cl, CF(3)Br and CF(3)I with ethene and propene dissolved in liquid argon has been investigated. For CF(3)Br and CF(3)I, evidence was found for the formation of C-X···π halogen bonded 1:1 complexes. At a higher ratio of CF(3)I/propene, weak absorptions due to a 2:1 complex were also observed. Using spectra recorded at different temperatures, the complexation enthalpies for the complexes were determined to be -5.3(2) kJ mol(-1) for CF(3)Br·ethene, -7.5(2) kJ mol(-1) for CF(3)I·ethene, -5.6(1) kJ mol(-1) for CF(3)Br·propene, -8.8(1) kJ mol(-1) for CF(3)I·propene and -16.5(6) kJ mol(-1) for (CF(3)I·)(2)propene. The complexation enthalpies of the hydrogen bonded counterparts, with CF(3)H as the Lewis acid, were determined to be -4.6(4) kJ mol(-1) for CF(3)H·ethene and -5.1(2) kJ mol(-1) for CF(3)H·propene. For both hydrogen bonded complexes, a blue shift, by +4.8 and +4.0 cm(-1), respectively, was observed for the C-H stretching mode. The results from the cryospectroscopic study are compared with ab initio calculations at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ(-PP) level.

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