
Over the last few decades, the global prevalence of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative illnesses has risen rapidly. Although the aetiology remains unclear, evidence is mounting that exposure to persistent hydrocarbon pollutants is a substantial risk factor, predisposing a person to neurological diseases later in life. Epidemiological studies correlate environmental hydrocarbon exposure to brain disorders including neuropathies, cognitive, motor and sensory impairments; neurodevelopmental disorders like autism spectrum disorder (ASD); and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD). Particulate matter, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and endocrine-disrupting chemicals have all been linked to neurodevelopmental problems in all class of people. There is mounting evidence that supports the prevalence of petroleum hydrocarbon becoming neurotoxic and being involved in the pathogenesis of AD and PD. More study is needed to fully comprehend the scope of these problems in the context of unconventional oil and natural gas. This review summarises in vitro, animal and epidemiological research on the genesis of neurodegenerative disorders, highlighting evidence that supports inexorable role of hazardous hydrocarbon exposure in the pathophysiology of AD and PD. In this review, we offer a summary of the existing evidence gathered through a Medline literature search of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the most important epidemiological studies published so far.

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