
THE centenary of the death of Edward Jenner on January 26, 1823, was celebrated by the Academy of Medicine in Paris on Tuesday, January 23. At 3 P.M. a large meeting was held at the Academy in the Rue Bonaparte, when the president, M. Chauffard, gave a short address, which was followed by a long, critical, and yet eulogistic speech by M. Lucien Camus, and by communications on the subject of vaccination in detail from MM. Pierre Teissier, Jeanselme, d'Espine, and Sir St. Clair Thomson. . The fine large hall of the Academy was crowded, the French Minister of Health, M. Strauss, and Madame Curie being present, in addition to other distinguished people. The busts of Jenner and Pasteur were placed on the right and the left of the platform. After the ceremony a number of mementoes of Jenner in the form of letters by him, and of old cartoons commemorating or deriding vaccination, were shown in one of the halls of the Academy. The president announced that Fcom-munications in honour of the event had been received by him from learned societies in many parts of the world. Sir Ronald Ross, a foreign associate of the Academy, who represented the British Ministry of Health, handed in also a letter from the president of the Royal Society, and other British societies were represented by Sir St. Clair Thomson and by Dr. R. O. Moon. Sir Almroth Wright, another foreign associate of the Academy, was also present. After the ceremony the president and council of the Academy, in honour of the commemoration, gave a dinner at the Club de la Renaissance Francaise.

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