
Conservative treatment of genuine stress urinary incontinence in females gained more and more interest. The use of mini-devices is one of the newly developed therapeutical options however, its clinical relevance and longterm-results are still under debate. This review article gives a critical evaluation of the available urethral plugs and regulators and new developments as well according to the long-term-follow-up studies in the literature and own experience with those devices. The continence rates that can be obtained with the different plugs or regulators are dependent upon the degree of stress incontinence, ability to insert the plug and compliance of the patient. Reported longterm results vary between 48% and 100%. The most frequent side effects are urinary infection, haematuria and/or handling problems with the devices. According to the published material it is impossible to give therapeutical standards for treatment of female stress urinary incontinence with urethral mini-devices. Although proper Patient selection might give excellent longterm-results in patient continence rates.

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