
The state policy in the field of education and science plays a decisive role in ensuring the development of human capital and obtaining economic benefits in the form of sustainable growth and competitive economy, and means public and individual well-being, future prosperity and quality of life.
 Stabilization and further socio-economic growth of Ukraine largely depends on the qualitative training of specialists whose level of competence could provide the production of a science-intensive and competitive in the world market of products, to make Ukraine's economy more resistant to the effects of market globalization. Update, but in fact - the formation of a national higher education system, modernization of the content of education and technologies of training, introduction of modern forms of organization of the educational process that would meet large-scale social and economic transformations that began to take place in Ukraine.
 The article analyzes the processes of reforming higher education in Ukraine at the substantial-practical and theoretical and legislative levels. The initiatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine are considered, profile normative legal acts (in particular the Law of Ukraine "On Education"), prospects for introducing a system for obtaining knowledge in accordance with the standards of the law of the European Union (in particular regarding the implementation of the requirements of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union).
 The scientific research analyzes the statements of domestic scholars concerning the problems of reforming the system of higher education, parallels between the concepts and the main tasks of such reform.
 The prospects of efficiency of the educational system in Ukraine are outlined, author's interpretation of existing legal conflicts of the specified sphere is provided.
 Considering this issue, it should be noted that the democratization of higher education is part of the general process of democratization of education, which provides for the elimination of the state's monopoly on education and the transition to the socio-state system, independence of educational institutions in choosing the goals, content, organization and methods of work.

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