
The application of the principle of good governance and public administration for the citizen implies a series of procedural rules that guarantee the exercise and protection of rights at all stages of the administrative procedure and administrative dispute. Sublimated through effective procedural rules oriented to the relationship of administrative bodies with the parties, it creates preconditions for modern modalities of public administration functioning. In the process of integration into the European administrative space, it is necessary to incorporate European procedural standards into legal regulations, as well as the principles of reliability and legitimate expectations, proportionality, responsibility, effectiveness, etc. The process of democratic development and maturation requires continuity in changes in the normative framework which gradually removes administrative barriers and by which the citizen from a mere addressee becomes an active participant in the process of administrative decision-making. Outdated but stable administrative procedural solutions in the Federation of BiH require structural change and the establishment of a new constellation of relations between the state administration and the citizen, which puts the citizen at the center and final determinant of the modern way of functioning of public administration, with consistent implementation of basic administrative procedural principles at all phases of administrative decision-making.

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