
Uniformity of critical current (Ic) over long lengths of (GdY)-Ba-Cu-O ((Gd,Y)BCO)-based high temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes after long periods of AC current excitation is an important criterion in their selection for resistive type superconducting fault current limiter (R-SFCL). The present work describes such critical current (Ic) uniformity measurements performed over 1m long, stabilizer-free (SF), 12 mm wide, 2nd generation (2G) (Gd,Y)BCO based HTS tape. A non-destructive method using a static hall probe (Tapestar®) with moving HTS tape configuration was employed for estimation of Ic uniformity. Scanning Hall probe microscopy (SHPM) was then used to examine the weak superconducting regions (i.e. less Ic) with a static HTS tape. Remanent field distribution on the HTS tape was measured to yield the critical current density distribution. Except for small degradation of Ic at some locations, these studies confirmed near-uniform critical current distribution over meter-long (Gd,Y)BCO tapes, both in virgin state and after exposure to AC over current.

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