
Under conditions of modern transformations of social-and-economic processes in domestic and foreign markets a new architecture of marketing relations is being formed, characterizing the essence of marketing as a tool of economic development of the enterprise, including the agricultural sector. Therefore, consideration of characteristics of this model predetermines the methodological basis for development of a forward-looking management strategy for the organisation. The paper outlines the theoretical and applied foundations of the marketing approach to improving and increasing the quality of management in agricultural sector. Substantiation of relevancy of reorientation of management from the production dominant to the marketing dominant is presented, according to which business entities orient their production and sales activities to the real market demand, i.e. to satisfy the constantly growing and changing consumer demands. Transformation of principles, functions and methods of management are formed, as well as its content, that are adequate to the new (dominant) role of marketing, taking into account the predicted evolution of social, economic, institutional, ideological and moral foundations of human society. Based on the studies carried out, it was concluded that the practical implementation of new principles, methods and functions of management in the agricultural sector will be carried out mainly by ensuring the key role of scientific marketing in managing the adaptation of production and marketing of agricultural products, the structure and content of organizational and economic relations in the agro-industrial complex, processes of social rural development to modern and future economic conditions, reflecting in the aggregate innovative and market transformations in the economy and society. Economic, environmental and social advantages of adaptive farming systems based on the dialectical interaction of economic, natural and market factors of agricultural production have been substantiated. Priority directions for development of adaptive agro-ecosystems have been identified, with important place given to improve the specialization and diversification of production, development of organic technologies, production of meat products in accordance with the requirements of the Halal certificate, intended for the Muslim population. Proposals have been made to increase the level of marketing training based on improving the educational process and organizing consulting, disseminating advanced business practices.

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