
<h3>COMPLICATIONS FOLLOWING ANTIRABIC TREATMENT</h3> Human rabies is invariably fatal. The period of incubation is from thirty to sixty days and by vaccination effective immunity can be created in a shorter time. The practice is to begin preventive vaccination as soon as possible after bite by a rabid or suspected animal. Casals<sup>1</sup>summarizes the results of this method of prevention during the past fifteen years. The death rate from rabies in more than 1,000,000 cases throughout the world analyzed by McKendrick<sup>2</sup>was 0.33 per cent. This figure does not give the exact value of antirabic vaccination of human beings because the facts as to exposures are not well enough known. In most of the cases exposure to rabies was unproved or doubtful. It is noteworthy that treatment begun as late as fourteen days after exposure appears to have given as good results as that begun earlier. The incidence of

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