
Analysis of preoperative medication is used to assess the benefit and risk associated with continuing or discontinuing medication before and during surgery. Identifying adverse drug reactions and assessing its risks often leads to uncertainty. Typical challenges are medication underuse, but also overuse occurs and is often more difficult to recognize, especially in the context of drug interactions and individual patient characteristics.Typical consequences of multi-medication and medical overuse may include an increased potential for drug interactions, an increased risk of adverse drug reactions and medication errors, and in particular in older adults, geriatric syndromes may occur or worsen. Adverse drug reactions may occur as a result of the dose administered and as an effect of time of exposure. Older, multi-morbid, and multi-medicated patients are often affected by adverse drug reactions. For drugs primarily metabolized via the phase I enzymes CYP2D6, CYP2C9, or CYP2C19, pharmacogenetically rapid or slow metabolism may result in altered drug exposures. Clinically relevant pharmacokinetic drug interactions frequently occur with drugs primarily metabolized via the phase I enzyme CYP3A4.

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