
AbstractA continuous time discrete state cumulative damage process {X(t), t ≥ 0} is considered, based on a non‐homogeneous Poisson hit‐count process and discrete distribution of damage per hit, which can be negative binomial, Neyman type A, Polya‐Aeppli or Lagrangian Poisson. Intensity functions considered for the Poisson process comprise a flexible three‐parameter family. The survival function is S(t) = P(X(t) ≤ L) where L is fixed. Individual variation is accounted for within the construction for the initial damage distribution {P(X(0) = x) | x = 0, 1, …,}. This distribution has an essential cut‐off before x = L and the distribution of L – X(0) may be considered a tolerance distribution. A multivariate extension appropriate for the randomized complete block design is developed by constructing dependence in the initial damage distributions. Our multivariate model is applied (via maximum likelihood) to litter‐matched tumorigenesis data for rats. The litter effect accounts for 5.9 percent of the variance of the individual effect. Cumulative damage hazard functions are compared to nonparametric hazard functions and to hazard functions obtained from the PVF‐Weibull frailty model. The cumulative damage model has greater dimensionality for interpretation compared to other models, owing principally to the intensity function part of the model.

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