
当前方兴未艾的“国学热”,是在“后冷战时代”背景下,全球文化保守主义浪 潮与中国传统文化复兴相结合的必然产物。自近代以来,以儒学为主干的国学虽然 历尽沧桑,但是仍然具有强大的生命力,并且构成了当代中国文化重建的重要精神根 基。国学尤其是传统的儒家思想必须经过深刻的自我批判和时代更新,才能实现现代 化的转型,因此国学的自我批判将成为中国文化重建的关键环节。 The current “national learning craze,” which is still going strong, is the inevitable outcome of the combined forces of a global wave of cultural conservatism and the revival of China's traditional culture against a “post‐Cold War” backdrop. From the early modern times on, despite its many vicissitudes, national learning with Confucianism as its mainstay has retained its vitality, and it still provides an important spiritual foundation for the reconstruction of contemporary Chinese culture. National learning, particularly traditional Confucian thought, must undergo profound self‐criticism and temporal renewal to be transformed by modernization. Therefore, self‐criticism of national learning will be a key link in rebuilding Chinese culture.

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