
Crystals of the tetra-heme cytochrome c(3) (M(r) = 13 kDa, 107 residues, four heme groups) from sulfate- and nitrate-reducing Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 have been obtained and crystallographically characterized. They belong to space group P6(1)22 with cell dimensions a = b = 61.84 (4) and c = 109.7 (2) A, and Z = 12. Intensity data were initially collected on a FAST system with a rotating-anode X-ray source leading to a total of 22 592 observations, from which only 4930 were unique, in the resolution range 20.0-2.4 A with an R(merge)(I) of 7.0%. Higher resolution data were measured on a FAST system at station 9.6 of the SRS (Daresbury, England), leading to 19 328 intensities, of which 11 179 were unique, in the resolution range 20.0-1.75 A and an R(merge)(I) of 5.5%. Cross-rotation and translation functions were performed with ALMN and TFSGEN programs from the CCP4 suite. The packing of the molecules in the unit cell was checked with TOM/FRODO. Rigid-body refinement of the model and subsequent refinement using molecular dynamics were performed with X-PLOR, leading to a current R factor of 25.9%, for data up to 2.3 A.

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