
Two novel polymeric silver(I) complexes of a double betaine with a rigid tris (ethylene) bridge between the pair of nitrogen atoms, viz. [{Ag4(L)3(NO3)2}n] (NO,3)2n.nH,2O (1) and [{Ag4(L)3(ClO4)2}n] (ClO4)2n.-nEtOH (2) [L = -O2CCH2N+ (CH2CH2)3N+CH2CO2-], have been prepared and characterized by X-ray crystallography. Complexes (1) and (2) are both based on a two-dimensional framework constructed by the interlinkage of adjacent infinite belt-like zigzag chains, in which the uncoordinated NO3- groups and lattice water molecules in (1), and uncoordinated ClO4- groups and ethanol molecules in (2), are packed into the resulting pockets. Most atoms of the chains in (1) are centred about the (200) family of planes, whereas those in (2) are non-coplanar, and adjacent chains are cross-linked by strong Ag-O coordinate bonds in (2) but only weak Ag...Ag interactions in (1).

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