
It has been observed by the Monte Carlo simulation that the Magneto Caloric effect (MCE) of the ferrimagnetic mixed spin-7/2 and spin-3/2 3D Ising system is influenced by the change of crystal field coefficients. The peak value of the magnetic entropy change ΔSP has a second order polynomial dependency on the reduced crystal field coefficient De. This relation is only valid for the low magnetic field and low De values. The inverse of the coefficients of the polynomials has a linear dependency with the 4/3 power of the magnetic field. Full width half maximum (FWHM) of temperature dependence ΔS curve increases with the increment of De. The relative cooling power (RCP) increases with De and at De = 4 a large percentage change of ΔRCP % (~55%) is observed for the reduced field h = 5.

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