
X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy were used to study the mineral composition of bottom sed- iments of the Sea of Okhotsk with ages ranging from Holocene (10 My ago) to Pleistocene (10 to ~74 My ago). The concentrations of nonlayered minerals (quartz, plagioclase, carbonates, and biogenic silica) were deter- mined from IR spectra, which made it possible to estimate the actual abundance of the clay component in test samples. Calibration curves used in the calculation were plots of the optical density in the maximum of the ana- lytical absorption band of the analyzed component versus its concentration in the sample. These curves were constructed for standard mixtures of known compositions. The crystal-chemical parameters and quantitative ratios of clay minerals were elucidated by the computer simulation of X-ray diffraction profiles; clear correla- tions were found between these parameters and paleoclimatic changes. Our results show that the clay minerals from the bottom sediments of the Sea of Okhotsk can serve to search for paleoclimatic events in the North-East- ern Asia.

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