
The structure of the title compound (C9H12ON·HBr)2O was determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The crystals are monoclinic:C2/c,a=7.645(2),b=19.777(3),c=13.704(3) A,β=98.32(2)°,Vc=2050.2 A3,Z=4,F(000)=968,Dm=1.62,Dc=1.615 Mg m−3; MoKα radiation (graphite crystal monochromator, λ=0.71073 A),μ(MoKα)=4.39 mm−1. FinalR factor=0.061 andRw=0.045 for 1566 reflections. The structure was solved by the heavy-atom Fourier method and refined by least-squares procedures. Each asymmetric unit in the unit cell contains one-half of the molecule, with oxygen atom O(2) at a special position with half-occupancy. The molecules are protonated at their nitrogen sites. The structure is stabilized by a three-dimensional network of hydrogen bonds. The ethylamine side chain in the molecular fragment in the asymmetric unit exhibits an extended (trans) conformation that is also found in most of the other adrenergic phenylethylamines.

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