
AbstractSpongy cryostructurates based on bovine serum albumin (BSA) have been preparedviafreezing the aqueous solutions of the protein followed by freeze-drying and subsequent cross-linking BSA macromolecules each together within the macropore walls using N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N′-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) dissolved in ethanol. The gel-fraction yield values testifies high efficiency (>93%) of the protein building-up into the 3D polymeric network. Poor swelling of the pore walls of BSA-based sponges in water (1–2 g H2O per 1 g of dry polymer) and even in the powerful protein-solubilizing media (8murea, 5mguanidine hydrochloride, 1% SDS) indicates the multipoint character of albumin cross-linkingviathe pendant peptide bonds. As a result, strong cross-linking is able (as revealed by HS-DSC) to inhibit BSA thermal denaturation. The size of wide pores in the obtained cryostructures ranges from 40 to 250 μm and mainly depends on the freezing temperature.

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